Our Business
The Tokyo Research Center of Clinical Pharmacology is a Comprehensive Clinical Trial Coordinator
We provide support services for clinical trials as a site management organization (SMO), primarily for the Shinanozaka Clinic and Samoncho Clinic of the Medical Corporation Shinanokai.
Leveraging our extensive experience, we provide appropriate, meticulous, and comprehensive support for running clinical trials at medical institutions with "high quality, high speed" as our motto, helping improve the quality of clinical trials.
1Creating efficient implementation systems by setting up and providing management support for clinical trial offices
The Tokyo Research Center of Clinical Pharmacology stations specialized staff to provide support for such tasks as creating and revising standard operating procedures for medical institutions, establishing and operating clinical trial offices, and work related to institutional review boards.
Upon request from medical institutions, we also provide extensive support, such as negotiating with clinical trial sponsors on outsourcing, drafting clinical trial contracts, and coordinating schedules to help build systems that allow clinical trials to be conducted smoothly and efficiently.
2Training CRCs and providing support for medical institutions
Clinical Research Coordinators (CRCs) are specialized staff who support the trial investigator and coordinate the entire clinical trial. CRCs are indispensable for running smooth and appropriate clinical trials.
The Tokyo Research Center of Clinical Pharmacology conducts training based on internal regulatory programs to provide support for medical institutions.
3Clinical trial volunteers
We collaborate with the Medical Corporation Shinanokai Clinical Trial Volunteer Association, which has a total of 70,000 registered volunteers. Meticulous schedule management is implemented for clinical trial participants.
4The OHIO Chamber
The OHIO Chamber, built for the first time in Tokyo in October 2005, is a world-class facility that allows objective testing unaffected by weather or season while monitoring pollen concentration and uniformity by dispersing cedar pollen throughout a test room.
This chamber also makes it possible to conduct tests to verify the efficacy of pharmaceuticals and food products for pollen allergies and functional assessments for pollen allergy masks and air purifiers.
Our Achievements
Entrusted projects results
Entrusted support projects results (FY 2022)
Entrusted projects results by field (FY 2022)
Our Mission
Our work affects human lives, and as such, we comply with ethics and the law in pursuit of "safe, high-quality clinical trials" as we strive to improve clinical development techniques and ultimately contribute to human health and wellbeing.
Our Direction - What Is the Focus of Our Work?
- Focus on Sponsors
- We strive to ensure safety, improve quality, streamline costs, and boost the speed of clinical trials by leveraging our individual strengths and collective capabilities to respond to the trust of our trial sponsors.
- Focus on Adapting to the Environment
- We accurately grasp trends in pharmaceutical development, respond to the latest clinical developments, and focus on building strategies and systems to sufficiently and organically demonstrate the Group's collective capabilities so that we can respond quickly and accurately to environmental changes.
- Focus on Improving Quality
- We foster individual attitudes to grow and learn, cultivate human resources who possess integrity, enthusiasm, and creativity, strive to acquire the latest information on medicine, relevant regulations, and more, and provide cutting-edge technology and high-quality services.
- Focus on Subjects
- Safety is our top priority, and we focus on creating clinical trial environments that make subjects feel safe.